Picture of Matthew Nourse

PTS Monthly Blog March 2021

Hey Everyone,

Here at Pippos Technology Solutions, we value communication, and we thank you for being apart of the PTS Family. Part of our ongoing relationship includes a monthly email to provide you with updates, tech news, and vital information for your staff and business.

Recent changes to the structure of our IT management system, along with other integrated platforms ensures the high standards of security and services are being maintained. In addition to this, we are improving our reporting process to demonstrate that we are providing the service your business needs

“We are doing what we say we’re going to do!”

Part of our continual goal to improve our service to our customers is the introduction of our new ticketing system that will provide greater insight into the status of jobs, expected timeframes and trackable updates.

We understand that time is valuable which is why we are implementing this system. Traditional ticketing systems are cumbersome and time-consuming to navigate, this has been the primary issue we have encountered from feedback from our clients in the past.

Our ticketing system is simple.. email help@pippostech.com.au with a brief description of your fault.

The ticketing system is a direct link for us to show in real-time what jobs need to be actioned, the urgency and the history of the job that is being actioned.

Going forward the ticketing system will be our primary method for logging jobs, if you have any questions regarding the new ticketing system please contact us.


Jeremy Pippos & The Tech Team

Earlier this month an automatic security Windows 10  update KB5000802 was released. Due to the nature of this update, it was automatically downloaded in the background and installed on the machine shutdown/reboot.
This KB5000802 update has caused widespread errors with printers, network functions and Bluescreens. 
The Tech team at PTS have created a small patch that uninstalls this update and temporarily disables the download while we wait for Microsoft to patch the error.

If you are wondering why computers are out of stock and particular models are not available this is because there is a global shortage of ‘computer chips’. 
Due to factories closing down during the pandemic and a surge in demand this has resulted in a large backlog. 
We are working with all our suppliers to receive new stock, please bear in mind this is currently out of our control. 


PTS Monthly Blog March 2021

Hey Everyone, Here at Pippos Technology Solutions, we value communication, and we thank you for being apart of the PTS Family. Part of our ongoing

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