How to rank your website in Google

Searching Google

Websites now more than ever flood the internet, creating even more competition to be found.  More and more businesses are taking the leap to complement their shopfront stores or offices with a digital presence.  So how do you to get your website on the prime real estate of Google? Two key factors come into play […]

Dix Engineering

Time for a refresh!The main focus of this new website rebuild was to include more information about all the services offered at Dix Engineering, expanding the menu to be flexible and easy to use. Visit the new Dix website to view their massive range of services and view their galleries for amazing insight to how […]

Can I find your business on Google?

Google My Business

If you answered no. Or maybe you are unsure then you need to read this. There are many ways to be found in google searches: have a website, post to social media, engage an SEO expert, write a blog and the list goes on, but for many small businesses it just isn’t realistic. For a […]

Does your 2020 marketing plan include social media?

If it doesn’t it should.  We have compiled a list of 5 reasons you need to be including social media in your marketing budget. Take a look here: 1. Your customers are on social media. Social media users in Australia are some of the most active in the world, with approximately 60% of Australians being […]